WLW - the latest Territory of the National Wrestling Alliance
November 2, 2024 was quite the day. It'll be an event that we won't forget as it quite literally changed the name of the game for us. If you didn't attend, news broke that night that World League Wrestling is now the latest territory to be announced for the National Wrestling Alliance. NWA representative Joe Galli made an appearance as William Patrick Corgan was unable to appear due to prior committments. At WLW XXV, Galli had made the announcement "World League Wrestling is now an official territory of the NWA". The crowd's response was nothing short of heart-warming, and needless to say - we are looking forward to the future.
At the event, WLW original Trevor Murdoch was on hand, as well as other former WLW stars including "The Drill Instructor" (now known as Attilah Kahn, Darin Waid, Bull Schmitt, Dan Gier, Jayden Dominic Rose, and Adam Leggett.
This was a move that has been in the works for nearly a year. WLW will now be known as NWA World League Wrestling
As a result of this, NWA World League talents will have the opportunity to be showcased on NWA programming and events. In addition, NWA superstars will be making the occasional appearance at NWA World League. Ultimately, it is a win-win for everyone including the NWA, [NWA] World League Wrestling, and most importantly - the fans!
What else took place?

New Champions were crowned including the crowning of the NEW NWA World League Wrestling Heavyweight Champion Camaro Jackson. After chasing the title for the past several months, The Grand Regeant finally defeated Superstar Steve to etch his name on the short list of wrestlers that have held the most prestigious championship in the company. After battling it out for over 25 minutes, Jackson hit the Superstar with the running lariat - cementing himself and his legacy.

In addition to that, a new NWA WLW Jr. Heavyweight Champion was crowned in Rahim de la Suede. In February of 2023, AEW Star Matt Sydal defeated Rahim de la Suede at WLW's event at Fort Leonard Wood. Since that point, Suede has been on a rampage in an effort to get "his" championship back and on November 2, Suede defeated "The Deliverer" Moses to become Jr. Heavyweight Champion again for the second time. Alongside of the Heavyweight Championship and Jr. Heavyweight Championship, Skylar Sparks defeated Tootie Lynn to become the NEW NWA World League Wrestling Ladies Champion. "The Little Blue Dragon" was the first to capture the title in October of 2023 as she defeated Sparks. However, since that point in time, things changed in the head of Skylar - almost literally. On November 2nd, Sparks had one last opportunity to defeat Tootie Lynn, and she did just that. Congratulations to Jackson, Suede, and Sparks for becoming champions here at NWA World League Wrestling.

Last, but most certainly not least, the NWA World League Tag-Team Champions were able to retain their titles as Dysfunction (Brandon Espinosa and Kyle Roberts) defeated Austin Mulitalo and Blade Lennox, continuing their dominance in the tag-team division. Other match results from the event include Attilah Kahn winning the 8-man over-the-top-rope battle royal that included Trevor Murdoch, Mike Maverick, Blade Lennox, Atlas Armstrong, Aden Riley, Jeff Wilde, and Jack Parker Jr.; NWA Jr. Heavyweight Champion Alex Taylor defeated Sean Logan; Leland Race and Jeremiah Plunkett wrestled until the established time-limit of 15 minutes - Plunkett still remains the NWA Mid-American Champion.
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